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Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Mom..... ='0

I miss u mom.............

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

the continuation of "Neil Amstrong"

He was greatly surprised to look at his footsprints in the soft moon's sand. He was so pleased with the new experience that he almost forgot about his task of collecting a small sample of lunar soil, and had to be reminded about it. He collected the ssample and put it into a pocket on the left of his suit. If he had to leave the moon earlier than planned, this sample would be the only lunar soil that he brought to earth. taking a long look at the view around him, Amstrong said,"It is different, but it's pretty out here."Now he was safe on the moon. In twenty minutes his friend Edwin Aldrin would come out of "Eagle" and join him.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Neil Amstrong

At 9.50 a.m., West indonesia time, on Monday 21st July 1969, the American astronaut, Neil Amstrong, made history by becoming the first man who step on the moon. As hundred of millions of people watched and listened from the planet Earth 240.000 miles away, Amstrong lifted his foot from the landing of his spaceship, the "Eagle", and slowly and carefully pressed into the moon's surface. Testing his ability to walk in the weak lunar gravity-one sixth of that on the earth-he moved slowly in his spacesuit. He found that he could move easily. With creasing confidance he began to move away from "Eagle".

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Let's Joke

During my first day managing the kitchen of an old plantation restaurant, I noticed that one of the waiters was always smiling. After several days passed he still wore a cheerful grin, so I decided to ask what his secret was. "You must be a very happy man,"I said. "How do you always keep smiling?"
He relaxed his smile and held his finger to his forehead. "Actually," he replied, "it's only way to hold up my glasses while I work."

Master of Ceremony

Ten tips on being a good Master of Ceremony, by Rachel Green

Are you going to be a master of a ceremony at a conference, award's night, seminar series, concert or similar event? What a wonderful honour, but a daunting one! Here are some tips to help you be brilliant.
  1. Know your role.
    The role of a master of ceremonies is to keep an event flowing, to keep the energy of the audience up, to ensure that everything runs smoothly, to help the audience feel welcomed, to help speakers feel appreciated ... and so the list continues. It is not simply to watch the clock or to give information.
  1. Identify the core groups in your audience.
    Welcome individuals and groups, not just by title but with specific information. For example, "To those of you who have travelled all the way from Newcastle, a big welcome."
  1. Mention the audience's needs
    Show you know where the audience is at. For example, if you are the master of ceremonies at a breakfast seminar you might say, "I know some of you are hanging out for your first coffee of the day, so we are going to start with breakfast."
  1. Mention the viewpoint of the audience
    The audience may be listening to a speaker at a function and have cynical views or objections in their minds about what may be presented. Sometimes if you, as the master of ceremonies can bring that objection out into the open, they can let go of it. You might say something like "You might be sitting there thinking that this is all very well but it will take too much time. You'll enjoy our next speaker then, as Ian has some fascinating statistics on how quickly the task can be done".
  1. Be confident in keeping to time.
    Some master of ceremonies I have worked with have found it very difficult to stop speakers going over time. In advance decide how, as the MC, you will let people know when their time is up. Then do it! Do not be scared, it is your job and speakers expect you to do it. At one event I spoke at, the mistress of ceremony was adamant, in advance, that I didn't need to worry about time as she would tell me when I only had 5 minutes to go. But she never told me about 5 minutes or when my time was up and I was left wondering how long I'd spoken for. It was a 15 minute speech and after (I discovered later) 22 minutes, I finally gave up waiting for her and stopped. It was very uncomfortable and I will always time myself in future. You are there, as the master of ceremony, to keep the time.
  1. Keep your audience's energy up
    If your audience has had to listen to a dull or boring speaker, you need to bring their energy back up. It is your job to warm them up and get them enthusiastic for the next speaker or event on the program. Using humour by telling funny stories or getting the audience involved in an activity can help here.
  1. Thank the speakers specifically.
    Thank the speakers by picking up on what they've said and feeding it back to them. Don't just say "thank you" or "thank you for your time" or "what a wonderful speech". Instead be specific. For example, "Jane, those stories you told about how Michelle's exercise program saved her life have helped me understand just how important it is that I exercise more. In fact, I'm going to make sure I go for a walk when we've finished here today. Thank you for being so inspiring".
  1. Help motivate the audience to want to hear a speaker.
    Your job as the master of ceremonies is to explain to an audience the benefits they are going to gain from listening to a speaker, so that the audience is motivated to pay attention. This is good for the audience and good for the speaker. For example, you might say, "Some of you have come especially today to find out what the mediation program is about. Sun-Lee, who will be talking next, will explain all the steps so that you can use them to sort out any problems you may be having at work." Making it amusing can also help here.
  1. Talk personally to the audience.
    Avoid overuse of the third person, and instead talk personally to the audience. For example, instead of saying "People are killed everyday on the roads because of driver fatigue", you might say, "As a driver, you may be killed not because you have made a mistake but because the person in the car next to you was tired and dropped off. Would you rather live? Is there any danger that you might be too tired to drive safely?"
  1. Sound welcoming.
    Some masters of ceremonies read a sheet of paper to announce and formally welcome guests. Please do it from your heart and with a sincere and genuine sense of welcoming. Smile, name people personally, say why it's good they are here, look people in the eye and have warmth in your voice. Welcome people rather than announce them, and do it without reading it word for word. Connect with your audience. being a master of ceremony is a hard job but done well can make an enormous difference to a function. Do it well and enjoy the success.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

I was studying about coordinating conjunction and correlative conjunction.
They have many branches.
I don't know how to distinguish them...
Can you help me to explain it again????
please comment this blog!

Rabu, 22 Februari 2012


pickpocket and pickpocket and pickpocket...!!!!
was still anyone doing anything like this!?
Though, physically still sturdy, why do not you find any rightfully money?

Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

Keep pursue your ambition but do not ever forget the people around you. 
As they will pray for you ..