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Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Burj Dubai;the second tallest building in the world.

Burj Dubai is as of now the world’s tallest building!
The world’s tallest building held its opening today in the United Arab Emirates’ largest city, Dubai.
The newly-opened Burj Dubai, meaning Dubai tower, is a multiple record breaker.
As well as becoming the tallest building in the world, the skyscraper is the tallest structure and boasts the most storeys and highest occupied floor. Its 124th floor outdoor observation deck is also the world’s highest, and its elevators will travel the longest distance.
It was opened for public on Monday. The opening ceremony is being attended by some 6,000 guests.
It was just held 1,325 days after excavation work started way back in year 2004. Its construction began at the height of an economic boom.
Sheikh Mohammed unveiled a plaque inside the tower naming it Burj Khalifa, after the president of the United Arab Emirates and emir of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahayan. The tower was revealed to be 828m (2716ft) high.

Nakheel Tower, Dubai NAKHEEL TOWER, tallest building in the world

The latest project attempting to breach the heights of Burj Dubai (and apparently it is set to do so) is the multibillion dollar Nakheel tower, design by the developments wing of major investment company Nakheel, and comissioned by Sultan Ahmed bin Sulayem, chariman of Dubai World, will be more than a kilometre high, covering a space of 2700 hectates, will become a workplace for 45, 000, and a home to around 55, 000 people. It is hopped the Nakheel tower and harbor will attract more than million visitors each year, the 250, 000 sq m of hotels and hospitality space, will aim to complement the surrounding developments. Implementing the latest standards and technology in the project development, Sultan Bin Sulayem believes the tower will: "send another message to the world that Dubai has a vision like no other place on earth".

Kamis, 05 April 2012

Sahara Desert Facts

The Sahara desert covers around 9,000,000 square kilometers and the overall area is as large as the continental United States. The Sahara desert also has the reputation of being the world ’s largest
hot desert!

The landforms in this desert often undergo constant change.
These landforms are shaped as per the direction of the wind and the occasional rainfalls.Although being a desert area, one can notice annual rainfall in many regions of this vast land area. There are different climates witnessed in different regions such as the subtropical climate in
the northern land where as a tropical climate in the southern area.

Over the years, the climate of the Sahara desert has undergone humungous changes. This desert therefore, is known for its harsh climates so typical of all deserts!

This hot desert has annual temperatures that can exceed 30 degrees C. Some of the hottest months have temperatures
exceeding 50 degrees C. In the winters, the temperatures drop below freezing points. This itself explains the diverse climates of this hot desert.

Studies have revealed the changing size of the Sahara desert!
Observations made with the help of satellite photographs have proven this desert can shrink or even grow in size.

The Sahara desert is home to quite a few species of animals.Camels and goats are the only ones amongst the domesticated
animals one may see out here. Apart from these, the Saharan cheetah, the sand vipers, scorpions and monitor lizards can be found out here.

This desert has some of the tallest sand dunes and these can reach 189 meters in height. The land area also has stone plateaus,large gravel plains, dry valleys and even sand flats.

The Sahara desert has around 500 species of flora. These consist of mainly ephemeral plants known locally as Acheb. At some oases, close to the Nile Valley, one can find olive trees growing out
here. Vegetation is found in areas where the ground water reaches the surface of the land.

This place has mainly nomadic groups of people that move from place to place. Nomads wear a particular headdress known as Howli. These people are mainly engaged in trading and hunting.
The low population is due to the rather difficult conditions seen in the Sahara desert.

The Sahara desert stretches over areas of Northern Africa, from the Red Sea to the areas close to the outskirts of the Atlantic
Ocean. This desert shares it boundaries with the Atlas Mountains,the Mediterranean Sea, Egypt, Sudan and valley of the Niger River.

Emi Koussi is the highest peak that is seen in the Tibesti Mountains.This peak has a height of 3415 m.Farming is being practiced in certain areas of the Sahara desert with the help of drought-resistant plants. Some areas of this land have been transformed in order to prevent soil erosion.

This mysterious and vast place also has some of the most magnificent landscapes and despite harsh weather, it has attracted people to study details associated with the Sahara desert. This
desert is more than a hot and dry place, it is one of the most remarkable areas known to man!

Borobudur temple

Borobudur is the biggest temple in Indonesia. Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, in addition of being a famous tourist attraction, this temple also becomes a center of worship for Buddhists in Indonesia, especially at every celebration of Waisak.
Borobudur temple is also known as "Monastery in the hills'' because it lies in the hills.
The temple was built around 800 BC or 9th century it has been established as one of the cultural heritage of UNESCO and it does not only makes proud for all people in Indonesia but also throughout the world. This Buddhist temple has 1460 relief panels and 504 Buddha effigies. Borobudur was built by Samaratungga,
one king of Old Mataram Kingdom, Sailendra descendants.
Gunadarma is the architect of record as someone who is successfully built this temple.
The base of Borobudur, called Kamadhatu, symbolizing human beings that are still bound by lust. Four levels mentioned above represents Rupadhatu, humans who have set themselves free from lust but still tied to appearance and shape.

Borobudur temple as a whole has ten levels consisting of six levels of a square,
circular level three circular and a main stupa as a peak. At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 domes besides the main stupa. In every stupa there is a statue of Buddha.

On the wall there is a wall relief of Borobudur temple which tells of
a legendary story of Ramayana. In addition, there are relief panels describing the condition of society at that time. All relief panels in Borobudur temple reflect the teachings of the Buddha. Hence, this
temple functions as educating media for people who want to learn Buddhism
With all the grandeur and mystery that is only natural that every person from around the world want to visit Borobudur.

Borobudur is the excellence and evidence of human intelligence has ever made in Indonesia. It also became the cultural attractions and major in Indonesia instead of Bali and Jakarta.

Beijing Capital International Airport

Do you know the busiest airport in asia?
Yup! That is Beijing Capital International Airport where located at Chaoyang District, approximately 30 kilometers northeast of the city of Beijing. It is the largest and the busiest airport in China. The Beijing Airport is the busiest airport in Asia and one of the busiest airports in the world! It handles approximately 50 millions passengers annually.

Beijing Capital International Airport has three runways and three terminal buildings. The new terminal 3 was designed by Foster & Partners and was opened in 2008 just before the Beijing Olympiad. It has the shape of a dragon as depicted in our photograph above.

Selasa, 03 April 2012

5 Easy Ways to Shake Off a Bad Mood

1. Leave the room

Get a change of scene. Right now. Bad moods can be triggered by all kinds of things and often it’s something around you that ticked you off, and if you stay in the same environment it’ll continue to nag at you and play on your mind. Go to a new environment, surround yourself with different things, different people and different sensations and it’s easier for you to leave your bad mood behind you.

2. Give yourself a treat

When you’re in a bad mood it’s easy to look for things to fuel that bad mood or reinforce it. Why? Because you want to feel like your bad mood is valid, so you look for things to validate it and make it right.
Break that habit by doing the opposite, no matter how strange it might feel. Watch a funny movie, play your favourite song, go for a walk in your local park, grab a coffee and a slice of pie in that great coffee shop. Do something that feels good and puts a smile on your face, and your bad mood will be history.

3. Have a BMW

When I’m in a coaching session with someone it’s pretty obvious if they’re in a bad mood. When that happens I say to them, “Right. You have 4 minutes to Bitch, Moan and Whine all you want. When the 4 minutes is up there’s no more moaning, deal?”. Then they let rip for 4 minutes.
Taking just a couple of minutes for a BMW (as I like to call it) can get everything right out there, everything that’s bubbling away. The key is not to pause or think – a BMW session is just getting it all out there. Often you’ll find that you run out of steam before the 4 minutes is up and sometimes you’ll just end up laughing. Either way, when you’re done you’ll feel lighter.

4. Hit the gym

Physical exercise has a direct influence on our mood, and countless studies have shown that exercise releases endorphins and serotonin (the body’s pleasure chemicals) that positively affect your mood. Hitting the gym not only releases those feel-good chemicals, but it’s a great distraction, diverting your attention away from your bad mood and giving you something to do that occupies your body and mind.

5. Let yourself off the hook

Fact of Life – Bad moods happen. Sometimes, it’s just fine to let the bad mood ride. If things are niggling you and bad moods are a familiar deal to you, then it’s a good bet that something’s not quite right somewhere in your life. Letting the bad mood ride allows you to go to those dark places where you wouldn’t normally go and see what’s there.
You don’t have to wallow in it, but letting it happen can be surprisingly liberating. Your bad moods are just as valid as your good moods and when you come out the other side you might just have learned something about what’s really going on.


What should I pos?.
 I have no Ideas today...
 today is very very very flat.
There is no something special..........

Give me Idea pleaseeeee.....

Island of Bali

Island of Bali is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands along the width of 153 km and 112 km approximately 3.2 km from the island of Java. Astronomically, Bali is located at 8 ° 25'23 "south latitude and 115 ° 14'55" East Latitude tropical make like other parts of Indonesia.

The province is located on the island of Bali. Northern and western borders the Strait of Bali, east of the Strait of Badung and Lombok Strait, south of the Indian Ocean. Bali relies on tourism as a source of regional income. Bali became a tourist destination of foreign tourists for its rich culture and beauty of art beaches. Province with municipalities and 1 is the 8th district primary mainstay tourism in Indonesia, with a 5632 km2 area of Bali with a population of 2,977,356.

Despite overwhelming foreign influences, the Balinese have managed to reach a harmonious balance between preserving their culture, their natural environment and accommodating today’s changing world. The Hindu Bali religion pervades all aspects of Balinese society and shrines and temples dominate the landscape. Ceremonies, festivals, age-old dances and the arts are also an inseparable part of their life and culture.

the Eiffel Tower

As ­strong as iron yet as delicate as lace, the Eiffel Tower is the romantic symbol of Paris. Interestingly, its design was at first disdained by the city's artists and writers, who protested the tower's construction in 1889 for the Universal Exposition, a world's fair commemorating the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. Eventually, however, the tower's beauty, originality, and engineering wizardry won it widespread praise and affection -- as well as a place on the canvases of artists such as Pissarro and Utrillo.


Do you like chocolate? Of course you are! Everyone will like chocolate. Do you know which countries that produce the most chocolate? Today the biggest chocolate producing countries are the United States, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and France. And do you kow how cacao grows? Cacao trees grow in the tropical regions of South America, Africa and Asia. The biggest cacao bean height of 7 metres. After about 5 years the cacao trees produce large fruits. When the fruit is ripe it can contain 20 to 40 seeds.