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Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

How to overcome nervouseness and anxiety during a speech

Step 1
Choose a topic you kno well. Speaking about  an unfamiliar topic or one that is not particularly interesting can increase your anxiety about giving a speech.
Step 2
Make notes about you want to say, but do not write out your entire speech. Relying on a written speech is not a good idea because you can lose your place while you are more likely to remember the text point and regain your composure should you happen to lose focus.
Step 3
Rehears your speech several times in front of a friend who you know will give you honest feedback. Ask your friend to evaluate your posture, speaking voice, eye contact and the content of your speech.
Step 4
Arrive early  at the location where you will be making the speech. Familiarize yourself with the lay out of the room and the stage. Make sure you know how to work the microphone and any audio-visual aids before you begin speaking.
Step 5
Meet members of the audience before you make your speech. Seeing a few familiar faces in the audiences may make you feel more at ease when speaking.
Step 6
Take a deep breath after you are introduce and speak your first sentence in a strong, clear voice. A strong opening to your speech can increase your  confidence level.
Step 7
Select  a few people in the audience and focuse on them during your speech. These people may be a people you already know or people who seem to be receiptive an d friendly. Focuse on each person for a few sentences and then move your gaze to a person in another section of the room.

3 komentar:

Dilla Fitri mengatakan...

Have you tried it?
how do you feel?

mellyda mengatakan...

hhhhhmmmmm I think I must try it,,because it is a big priblem for me.....

Wilma Firdaus mengatakan...

any others?

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